Our house fellowship characterizes many exciting and inspiring features that make my family always look forward to the amazing experience.
Kids’ participation and connections
Getting kids nowadays interested in spiritual activities within an adult context can be a great achievement. I have noticed a growing involvement and participation of children in the house fellowship activities. For example, reading scriptures, asking questions during bible study discussions, even just to eagerly wait till the end in order to connect with friends is also a kind of involvement. This can also be a great tool to marinate these kids’ hearts with the love for God. The magic also could be when younger kids watch older kids’ participation and interaction in the house fellowship.

Opportunity to share the word in a relaxed family setting
Sometimes, being able to ask questions that can be personalized can only be done in a family setting. This is a kind of setting our house fellowship has provided us with. This is also the environment that encourages spiritual growth and development.
Opportunity to discover your gift and talents
Many people who may never have the opportunity to showcase their talent in a bigger congregation. The family and friendly environment of our house fellowship has unearthed many talents you would never have guessed exist in many lives. It also provides an indirect mentoring opportunity for talent development.
Opportunity to be able to weekly reflect on the goodness of God and share it with brethren
Being able to regularly reflect on God’s goodness has been one of the biggest strengths of our fellowship. Even if you won’t prepare for anything else ahead of the fellowship, at the minimum, you will reflect on God’s goodness and prepare to share with brethren.

Shalom Home Fellowship
Welcome to Shalom house fellowship, another unique family of God with people of different race and culture, where you have a sense of belonging, relating with each other in love and respect.
Shalom house fellowship is a place where the gift of God in your life can be discovered as we all contribute during fellowship to bless each other. Come and see that the Lord is good.
Just one attendance will convince you that you have gotten another beautiful and wonderful family of God.
We are heirs of the father and joint heir with our Lord Jesus.
Come and be blessed and see how the love of God is been demonstrated among us.
Jesus loves and care for you.
Rosenthal House Fellowship
We are a close-knit family located in the Westend of the city. We support, encourage, and pray for one another.
See what our people say about us:

Dunamis Hub
Welcome to the Dunamis Hub
A house fellowship that teaches the Word with simplicity and understanding, applying it to every area of life in a relevant and practical way. It is a hub for raising champions and empowering people to fulfill destiny.