Option #1 ౼ ChurchPad App: With this highly convenient approach, follow the easy steps below:
- Click on the Testimony Wall in ChurchPad
- Click on Add to add your testimony to the wall
- Select the Category that best fits your testimony and type your testimony in the text box
- Click on Add Images or Add Video to upload supporting images and videos to your testimonies
- If you want to be anonymous, you can select the check box Mark as Anonymous
- Lastly, submit your testimony by clicking Submit Testimony
- After submitting your testimony on the Testimony Wall, you are welcome to still share it in person during the Thanksgiving Service. Please ensure to notify the officiating minister (See option #3)
Option #2 ౼ Email: Kindly indicate your interest to share a testimony during Thanksgiving Service by sending an email to testimony@rhemachapel.ca with your full name and a summary of the testimony. Please send your email on or before the Friday preceding the Thanksgiving Service
Option #3 ౼ Meet the Officiating Minister: On Thanksgiving Sundays, meet the officiating minister by 8:50am at the back of the welcome room (behind the altar). Even when using this option, we strongly encourage you to submit your testimony on the Testimony Wall.
Thank You, and God bless you for expressing gratitude to God and inspiring others with your testimonies.