We are a place of worship where people feel welcomed, loved and respected.
Membership demonstrates the power of unity and is the evidence of personal commitment. As believers, we all have a place in the body of Christ.
Over the years, our Pastors have worked together to guide and encourage the believers at Rhema Chapel to stay grounded in God’s Word, with an emphasis on worship and the growth of believers of all ages. We offer New Believers classes to provide a basic understanding of our beliefs, our goals and our purpose.
What the Rhema family is saying!
Meet Oyinloluwa & Oyinkan
“For me Rhema Chapel has been a place that I have really grown in my spiritual work with God and I have met so many people that have been instrumental in my growth. If you're looking for a local community church to come to you can stop by anytime we are open. We're a community and we're always ready to grow.”
Meet Lanre & Olaitan Adelakun
“Rhema Chapel was very helpful in easing our settlements into the city and we can say that to a large extent this church has now become our second family. We have friends that we interact very deeply with we are very much accessible the pastors are very much accessible to us and we can we enjoy the worship experience.”
Meet Olufemi & Olukemi Adedire
“The blessing of God and Rhema Chapel happens to be a place where we worship in truth and holiness. It's a place whereby the Lord is manifesting his glory in our midst we invite you to come and join us with the Lord.”
“Rhema Chapel is a community of people from different backgrounds committed to fellowship and common growth”
AmarachiRhema Glow Church
“Rhema Chapel is a family that truly cares and looks out for their own.”
“Rhema Chapel is community, Rhema is welcoming, Rhema is warm. I feel at home here”
TomiRhema Chapel

“But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the Gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the Gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15 (NLT)