A safe environment for all parents or new immigrant families with language barriers who are unable to assist their children with challenging homework and reading.
Rhema Kids Homework Club is a free after-school program where grades 1-6 children can get assistance with their homework.
Register your childClubs and Events
Homework Help
Math, Language Arts, Science
Bible story, Fun games, Crafts, Gym, etc.
Healthy snack and meal
Kids Summer Program
July | 1st Week – August | 4th Week
Youth Teenagers Mentorship Program
Our Key Objectives
Respect Others
No name-calling, hitting, or bullying behaviors
Respect Equipment and the Facility
Use the space and equipment provided safely and help clean up as needed.
Respect Volunteers
Listen to and obey them
Volunteer Opportunities
We are always looking for child-loving individuals to assist in this exciting ministry. If you’d like to make a present and future difference in the lives of the amazing children at Rhema Kids Homework Club, please complete the Volunteer Sign Up form or send an email to kidsclub@rhemachapel.ca. Thank You!