Believers Academy
To lay a sound spiritual foundation for all believers, in order to grow to become effective servants in God's vineyard.
Believers class will be an avenue for all believers to learn the fundamentals of Christianity. Every believer that goes through this class should be well grounded in elementary principles of doctrine of Christ. 1 Peter 2:2
Our Goals
Believers Class
Is an avenue for all believers to learn the fundamentals of Christianity. Every believer that goes through this class should be well grounded in elementary principles of doctrine of Christ. 1Peter 2:2
Worker’s Training
Is an avenue for all believers that desire to serve in RCCG Rhema Chapel to learn the principles that govern the RCCG workforce. Every believer that goes through the workers training should be well informed on the history, leadership stratas and rules that have to be obeyed as RCCG workers.
Holy Ghost Baptism
At the end of this class, all attendees should have a good understanding of Praying in tongue and also receive baptism of the holyghost according to Acts 2:2-4, Acts 11:15-16, 1cor 12:13, Acts 19:1-6.
Water Baptism
All attendees will be taught on the meaning of water baptism and all it represent according to the scripture Rom 6:3-6 and will also be baptized by immersion in water if they so desire. Act 8:36-38, John 3:23, Matt 3:13-17.
Classes offered by Believers Academy

Believers Class
Believers class is a class that runs 2-3 sessions per year, it consists of 9 classes, each class taken once a week for the duration of 1hr. Students will be required to take an exam after the class.

Workers Training
Worker’s training is a compulsory class required for all that desire to join the Rhema chapel workforce. It is a 4weeks training and an exam will be taken after the classes.
Pls note: anyone that has not taken this class is technically not a member of the Rhema workforce.